Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wall-Maps: Just Say No to Back Pain

Wall Maps: As much as these maps have helped students fall asleep in class and helped teach a little bit of Geography on the side, it's time to retire these old-timers.

Challenged with risk of wear-and-tear and plagued with limitations to high detail, the hanging dinosaurs of the classroom are ready to hang up their steel spring rollers and call it a millennium.  After wooden pointers took an early buyout to the laser pointer industry, wall-maps have seen a decrease in employment since.

To combat the need to replace an expensive wall map that may break or become outdated, educators have turned to free online maps, but at a sacrifice.  Free maps such as Google Earth are great for exploring the world and finding one's home through a satellite image, but the student may be less likely to retain the US History lesson at the end of the day.

Introducing interactive digital maps from The Exploration Company, called EarthPoint.  We've gotten good at digital maps...really good.  We just launched our 4th generation of digital maps, and they're now completely online.  No more disks, no more installations, no more back pain.

All of your major maps that a Social Studies teacher could want, all at the touch of a finger.  Zoom into a certain country or continent?  Just click.  Bring up a picture of what the rain forest would look like?  Done.  See the election results of the USA since the beginning?  Too easy.  You are always updated, so you won't have to replace them, and you will now have a shot to buy only what you need, instead of paying thousands on a package that your classroom may not use.  As a matter of fact, team up with one of these bad boys and you've got numerous hours of attentive fun for the students.

Stay tuned, our completely online store is set to launch July 1st.  Give the 2-week trial a shot to find out which one you like.  Get ready to pick your map!

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